Wednesday 11 July 2012

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our StarsTitle: The Fault in Our Stars
Author: John Green
Publisher: Dutton Books
Release Date: 10 January 2012
Date Read: January 2012
Rating: ★★★★

Fault in Our Stars is the epitome of brilliance.
I don't even know how to write a coherent review on this because I have a hard time finding just the perfect words to describe this. But I'm going to try.

Hazel Grace was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer at 13 and has come to accept the fact that she is going to die. Soon. But a medical miracle saved her life and shrunk the tumours in her lungs, for now.

It's been two years since the miracle and she has been living with the struggles of her disease since, having to lug around an oxygen tank with her wherever she goes, missing school, losing friends, and living an abnormal life. She meets Augustus Waters in a fateful cancer support group session. He is gorgeous, funny, and in remission. Soon enough, they hit it off and bring the change and excitement both needed in their lives.

John Green crafted such beautiful characters. Hazel Grace is smart, witty, sarcastic and so incredibly unique that I just want her to materialize in front of me and be my best friend. Augustus Waters is just amazing. He is funny, caring, adorable and has a liking for metaphorical resonances. These are the two main characters of the book where John Green wrote and created so flawlessly, each one's personalities, faults and unique their unique voice. Even the side characters, mainly Isaac, were so realistic.

The writing was superb. Every word perfect and beautiful, not a single one out of place. I laughed, I cried, I screamed in frustration, I fell in love, I wept. The last 317 pages tore me apart. I sobbed like you wouldn't believe it.

The Fault in Our Stars is more than just a story about cancer kids. It is a heart warming tale of two lovers, the fragility of life, and so much more. It is so much more.


  1. I just adored this book when I read it, great reveiw! I even cried at some parts

  2. I've heard so many raving reviews on this, I hope I get a chance to read it soon, nice review! :)
    Alex @ Possession of Books


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